Thursday, July 15, 2010

Confessions of a Book Clubber

I agree with Ann. You should read this month's book. She read it in a few days. I, on the other hand, have only read a few chapters. 

The problem is I ordered the book online and was waiting for it to come. I wanted to read something while I was waiting since I was on a reading kick, so I started reading Black Hills Blessing (Romancing America) by Mary Conneally. (The author is Ann and I's parents' cousin FYI.) All the books I've read of hers are easy, enjoyable reads, but reading this one delayed me starting our book this month. 

I put finishing that book on hold and started Castaway Kid. The first chapter made me so sad. I sort of put my kids in his place and my heart just breaks. Then my mind starts to go down a morbid road. It didn't make me want to continue.

Then I should've had more time to read since my husband's been gone for a few days, but instead of being a productive citizen and educating myself through reading, I've been a slave to watching the Gilmore Girls. I'm completely addicted. Instead of going to bed a little early, so I can read a little before falling asleep. I just watch one more epidose. They really ought to put that series in a book. I'd read it.

I really have apprecieated the few chapters I have read, and I will finish Castaway Kid by the end of the month! That's is why we have a book club, so that I read and finish books! I'll probably be praying for the little guy in the book once I read a few more chapters because that's how involved I get in the books (and TV series) I really like. Sort of pathetic and strange, isn't it?    

1 comment:

  1. After I read Castaway Kid I posted about it on our blog. The next day I had a comment from the Castaway Kid himself. His son is battling cancer and was in a hospital. As he sat in the hospital late at night with his son, he googled his book and came across my blog. We emailed several times. He's a very nice guy. Anyway...pretty cool.

