Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So Long Insecurity Survey

How about a little survey to conclude our first month of the book club?  If you'd like to participate, just leave your answers in the comments. Answer one, some or all.

1. Would you recommend this book to a friend?  

2. Would you read it again?
I have a hard time wanting to reread something I've read before, but I would consider rereading parts of this book in a year or two.

3. What did you like about the writing style?
Normally I can't get through a book unless it's a good novel. I didn't have a lot of trouble with this one, partially because I related so well to a lot of it, and partially because of her conversational writing style. She writes like she talks, very entertaining.

4. What did you dislike about the writing style?
At times it seems somewhat disorganized. I didn't know how one idea quite connected with another, but she said that herself at the end of the book so I'll cut her some slack on that.

5. Right off the top of your head, how will you be different after reading this book? 
- I had to return my book to the library so you're going to get my paraphrase of the line that I hope will have lasting impact on me. It's the line I remember most and have thought on extensively.  Here's my version of what I read that just blew me over - Lord, Forgive me for considering myself chopped liver, even though You made me.  I could go on and on about that, but I'll save that for a post all it's own.
- I love the phrases I am clothed with strength and dignity and I have this Treasure.
- I really like what she said about Trusting God, period.
- I so appreciate her encouragement to be different for the next generation of women and the women all around us, especially since Elliana was playing with a little toy mirror today, looked at me in it and said, "You look fat!" Where did she come up with that!?

6. Are you going to be reading the book for July, Castaway Kid: One Man's Search for Hope and Home?
Yes! I'm looking forward to it!


  1. 1- Yes
    2-Read it again -- I agree with you Julie; I almost never read books again or watch movies twice but I think rereading parts of it would be valuable.
    3-Like about writing style-- I thought it was really easy to read; did not feel the need to skip parts or skim through it
    4- Dislike about writing style-- No complaints really

    5- How will I be different?
    I think it will help me stay calm and cool in situations when I keep myself that I am "clothed in strength and dignity" -- That statement really struck me because I know if you had a video of me 24/7 there would be a lot of undignified moments in my life. They may not all be secondary to insecurity but some probably are. If think if I can pause long enough before reacting (to family, kids, husband, friends, etc.) and remind myself that God has clothed me with strength and dignity that my thoughts and actions towards myself and others with be more dignified and godly. That is my hope at least!

  2. 6 -- Yes I am reading the next book. I am halfway through it already!

  3. 1. Yes, but I have to say that the last couple of chapters saved it for me. I wasn't so sure before.

    2. I will probably revisit some scripture/comments that she identified and really spoke to me.

    3. I also found this book really easy to read and I looked forward to when I had a chunk of time to do so.

    4. I also thought she was disorganized and rambling at times, but agree with what Julie said. I know she would indent quotes/comments from the surveys, but I still got confused at times if she was talking about herself or another's experience. But I'll blame that on my recent lack of sleep.

    5. I've already found that I am much more aware of when I am thinking negatively either about myself or another and try to change that thinking. I also am more aware of how insecurity can weasle its way into relationships and how annoying it can be.

    6. I've really enjoyed this book club experience and wanted to read the next one, but will have to pass and can hopefully join you for the next one!
